今日の役に立たない一言 - Today’s Trifle! -



Ethereal-users ML のアーカイブに、TCP Sequence Analysis Confusionなんて報告が。。。

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 02:00:11PM -0400, Scott Fringer wrote:
>   I've got a capture I'm analyzing that, when I have TCP Seq. Analysis
> enabled tells me that the [TCP Previous segment lost]; but I'm not able to
> determine why it feels the previous segment was lost.

There was a bug in the version of the sequence-number analysis code in
0.9.6, that could cause it to incorrectly determine which side of a TCP
connection a frame belongs to; that might be the cause of the problems
you're seeing (or it might not; I'd have to see the capture to determine

The bug is fixed in the current CVS version.

うーむ、0.10.7 でも直ってないみたいなんだけど。。。